Meaning and commentary:
Verse – 1
जातवेदसे सुनवाम सोममरातीयतो निदहाति वेदः ।
Jatavedase Sunavama Somam Aratiyato Nidahati Vedah
Jaathavedase : Oh Jaatavedaha = Agni
Sunavama Somam : extracted juice of Somalatha (a plant whose extract is offered to Lord Agni as Havis, in Vedic times)
Aratiyato Nidahati Vedah: Remove the knowledge that is not required. In other words, burn the ignorance.
Meaning: Oh Agni, we offer the soma juice, in return, we want removal of ignorance and enlighten us with eternal knowledge.
स नः पर्षदति दुर्गाणि विश्वा नावेव सिन्धुं दुरितात्यग्निः ॥१॥
Sa nah parshadati Durgani viswa naveva sindhum duritaatyagnihi (1)
Sa nah parshat : He (Agni) carries us
Durgani : Difficult to cross (Difficulties/Obstacles)
Vishwa: the world
naveva: Nava eva – Like a Boat,
Sindhu: Ocean, very reason why salt is called as “Saindhavam”
durita+ati: extremely difficult
Meaning: May the Agni protect us from the worldly difficulties just like how a boat rescues us and helps cross the ocean (of sufferings and illusions).
Verse 2
तामग्निवर्णां तपसा ज्वलन्तीं वैरोचनीं कर्मफलेषु जुष्टाम् ।
Tamagni varnaam tapasa jwalanteem vairochaneem karma phaleshu justhamm
Tamagni varnaam: the one who is color of Agni (here varnam refers metaphorically to qualities of Agni)
Tapasa Jwalantheem : one who is shining in Tapas (heat)
Vairochaneem: Kanthimathi – The Illuminating one
karma phaleshu justhamm : Removes the obstacles that stops from enjoying the fruits of Karma.
Meaning: She who has the color of Agni, shining in Tapas, illuminating one gives us the fruit of our karma and removes the obstacles.
दुर्गां देवीँशरणमहं प्रपद्ये सुतरसि तरसे नमः ॥२॥
Durgam devigum sharanamaham prapadye sutarasi tarase namaha (2)
Durgam devigum :Durga Devi (here direct indication to Durga/Agni, whereas Verse 1 is to Lord Agni)
Sharanam Aham: I take refuge
Pra-padye: your feet
Sutarasi tarase namah: Tarati means to swim. Here it means Durga/Agni will ferry us through the ocean of difficulties.
Meaning: I bow to Durga Devi, prostrate at Her feet, capable of taking me to the coastline from the ocean of samsara.
Verse 3
अग्ने त्वं पारया नव्यो अस्मान् स्वस्तिभिरति दुर्गाणि विश्वा ।
पूश्च पृथ्वी बहुला न उर्वी भवा तोकाय तनयाय शंयोः ॥३॥
Agne twam paraya navyo asmaam swasthibhirathi Durgani viswa
Puuscha prudhivi bahulaa na urvi bhavaa thokaya tanayaya shamyoh (3)
Agne: Oh Agni
Twam Paraya : you who can take us to the shore
Navyo: Paise worthy
Asman: for us
Swasthibihi : in an excellent way
Ati durgani Vishwa: extremely difficult world of sufferings.
Puuhu : City
Cha : and
Pruthvi: Earth
Bahula : abundance
Nah : us
Urvi: vast
Bhavaa : become
Tokaya, Tanyaya Samyoho: तोक – child (new born); तोकाय – For our new born and our children and their children’s happiness
Meaning: Oh Agni praise worthy who can cross the ocean of sufferings in an excellent way. May your abundance vastness spread across the city and earth that I live, showering happiness to our children and their children(grandchildren)
Verse 4
विश्वानि नो दुर्गहा जातवेदः सिन्धुं न नावा दुरितातिपर्षि ।
अग्ने अत्रिवन्मनसा गृणानोऽस्माकं बोध्यविता तनूनाम् ॥४॥
Viswani noo Durgaha jatavedah sindhum na navaa durithatiparshi
Agne atrivanmanasa grunanoosmakam bhodyavitha tanunaam (4)
Vishwani = wordly
Naha: us
Durgaha: who destroys difficulties (Durga+:)
Jatavedah: Lord Agni
Sindhum Nanava Durita ati Parshih: पर्षि=Protects us as boat in the ocean of extreme difficulties
Agne: O Lord Agni
Atrivan manasa : Mind like Sage Atri.
grunana: (mentally) devouring (consuming)
asmakam: our
bodhi: wisdom
avita : protects
tanunam: our physical body.
Meaning : Oh Jataveda, the saviour and protector, who help us to cross the ocean full of extreme sorrow and sins like ferried by boat
O Lord Agni, protect our minds like Sage Atri (who is full of gnana) with wisdom and our physical body.
Verse 5
पृतनाजितँ सहमानमुग्रमग्निँ हुवेम परमात्सधस्थात् ।
स नः पर्षदति दुर्गाणि विश्वा क्षामद्देवो अति दुरितात्यग्निः ॥५॥
Prutana jithagum sahamanamugra-magnigum huvema paramadsadasdath
Sa nah parshadati Durgani viswa kshaamaddevo ati duritaat-yagnihi (5)
PrutanA : Battle
Jita gum: winner
Sahamana : fierce vanquisher
Ugra : ferocious enemies
Agni gum : Agni
Huvema = Havaa mahe = we remember and call up on
Paramath = of highest degree
sadhastaath: (come down) from the assembly of Heavenly abode
Sa = He
nah = us
parshat : protects us
Ati = extreme
Durgani Vishwa kshamat: temporary world of difficulties
deva : God
ati duritaat : extreme difficulties
Agni:Lord Agni
Meaning: We invoke the Lord Agni to come down from the heavenly abode as a leader/winner, who is the fierce defeater of enemies in the battle. Lord Agni, take us away from our problems and sins and this momentary world and grant us moksha.
Verse 6
प्रत्नोषि कमीड्यो अध्वरेषु सनाच्च होता नव्यश्च सत्सि ।
स्वां चाग्ने तनुवं पिप्रयस्वास्मभ्यं च सौभगमायजस्व ॥६॥
Pratnoshi kameedyo adhvareshu sanaccha hota navyascha satsi
Swamchagne tanuvam pipraya-swasmabhyam cha saubhagamayajaswa (6)
Pratnoshi : ability to expand and spread
Kama: Bliss
iidayaha: invocations
Adhvaraha: Yagna (Fire sacrifice)
Sanaat: Ancient,
Cha : and
Hota : Yagna kartha (priest of Yagna)
Navya : new,
Cha : and
Satsi : sits
Svaam – your
Cha: and
Agne : O agni
Tanuvam : body
Piprayasva : quench thirst – पिप्रीषति, to wish, to please or propitiate, from प्री dhatu
Asmabhyam : ours
Cha : and
Sau+Bhagam:Good Fortune
Aayajasva: make it happen.
Meaning: O Agni, you are invoked in the yagnas, have the ability to expand and spread from the ancient yagnas to the present yagna karta and provide us the bliss. Quench your thirst and ours too and bless us with good fortune.
Yagna is technology to communicate to GOD and Agni is the only medium to connect.
Verse – 7
गोभिर्जुष्टमयुजो निषिक्तं तवेन्द्र विष्णोरनुसंचरेम।
नाकस्य पृष्टमभि संवसानो वैष्णवीं लोक इह मादयन्ताम् ॥ Verse – 7
Gobhihi = with cattle
Jushtam = joined
a-yajuha = not joined
ni-shiktam = flooded
tava = your
indraha = Indra (one who has mastery over senses)
VishnOho = all pervasive
Anu-sancharema = may we follow
With mastery over our senses, we become unattached to the illusory world. May we follow you (o, Agni) to establish ourselves in the state of all-pervasiveness.
Indra refers to one who has mastery over senses and Vishnu refers to that which is all-pervasive. So, by attaining master over our senses, we are led by Agni towards the state of oneness, the all-pervasive state.
nAkasya = highest heaven
prishtam = on the top
abhi = around
sam-vasAnAha = all-pervasive
VaishnavEm= of Vishnu (all-pervasivenss)
Loka = world
Iha = here
mAdayantAm – may we delight
VaishnaVem (all-pervasive state in feminine form) who resides in the top most heaven. Delight us by completing us in this world. Here, the top most heaven or highest state refers to all-pervasive state of Ananda, the state of enlightenment.
Conclusion Verse
ॐ कात्यायनाय विद्महे कन्याकुमारि धीमहि तन्नो दुर्गिः प्रचोदयात् ॥
Om katyayanaya vidmahe Kanyakumari dhemahi tanno durgi prachodayath
Aum: Pranavam (A+U+M akaara ukaara makaara)
Katyayanaya: of Katyayanaya (one who killed Mahishasura mardhini) from Katyayana Maharishi
Vidmahe: pray and know (acquire knowledge)
Kanya Kumari : goddess Durga
dhemahi tanno durgi prachodayath : May Durga enlighten our consciousness
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih
Meaning: May there be peace. 3 times denotes three type of peace – Adidaivika, Adibhautika and Adhyatmika