The life cycle of a business involves evolution, maintenance, and dissolution or merger. Life is no different. To build anything worthy of deeming “successful,” a well thought-out, insightful plan is a must-have. Perhaps no other blueprint for success tops the in-depth presentation of a business plan. When devising a strategy for a fruitful business, we take the time to analyze the reality of a market, spell out how our business will fit in and excel within that space, determine how we will fund our aspirations, decide who will be a part of the journey, and how we will scale once we’ve met our initial goals.
Like a business plan, we need to analyze the reality of our circumstances and determine how our strengths and weaknesses can survive within the limited resources at our disposal. In life, we must figure out how we’ll finance our most basic needs; and, once those are met, fund our greatest aspirations. We must decide who will be on our team to help us be our best selves, to survive and to thrive, decide who will be a part of the journey, and how we will scale once we’ve met our initial goals. And, once we’ve conquered our goals, we continue to rediscover ourselves, even if it means finding happiness in new ways.
Such astute planning in business is exactly the sort of exercise we should be doing when devising our course of actions in life. Here are seven insights to get your life on track to build a meaningful and purposeful life.
1. Set specific, achievable milestones.
And remember, your milestones may influence or affect others, so set those goals wisely. Reward yourself for achievements, but don’t berate yourself for your failures. With each failure comes the opportunity for a much-needed learning lesson.
2. Have a portfolio of your relationships.
Know the worth of your own relationships and how indispensable they are. Base your life on how many acquaintances, friends, and loved ones you make along the way.
3. Prepare for dissolution/merger.
Leave a legacy – whether it is through your children or successes. Your children will immortalize your existence. Keep this in mind when raising your beloved.
4. Save a portion of your profits to service hobbies.
All work and no play will serve no one. Be sure to treat time for adventure and leisure as a priority and be certain you can finance such happenings. Use your vacation time, even if to do nothing other than to relax. Reward your hard work with fun and relaxation.
5. Make people a priority.
Just like any innovation requires a nurturing atmosphere, your presence should inspire others, bringing out the best in those around you. Be confident enough to encourage those around you to thrive, and trust they will do the same. A healthy team can conquer far more than you ever will alone.
6. Prepare for the unexpected.
While your life cycle is quite predictable, the day-to-day surprises can seem overwhelming. The key is to remain adaptable – hope for the best while preparing for the worst. Life will throw you curve balls, be prepared and ready to conquer it all.
7. Make a difference.
Remember, all that you have earned, you will eventually return back to the Earth in one way or another. Just like a business that is built to serve others, know that your life’s purpose is to make the world at large run smoothly. Whether through taxes, charity, or your job, your life (and businesses alike) serves a much greater purpose than to be completely self-serving. Get out there and make a difference!