Meaning and commentary: Verse – 1 जातवेदसे सुनवाम सोममरातीयतो निदहाति वेदः । Jatavedase Sunavama Somam Aratiyato Nidahati Vedah Jaathavedase : Oh Jaatavedaha = Agni Sunavama Somam : extracted juice of Somalatha (a plant whose extract is offered to Lord Agni as Havis,...
Pancha Sukta-s पञ्चसूक्ताः In Sanatana Dharma, there are five (pancha) Vedic hymns (suktas) that are recited during ceremonies and rituals, especially in temples. These sukta-s vary depending on the sampradaya (denomination). The Shaiva Pancha Suktas are: 1. Rudra...