One Sunday each year, we recognize the value of motherhood and these incredible individuals. Whether or not THE mother’s day is merely a silly commercial exercise or a true testament of dedication is not worth discussing, but one fact that can’t be argued – any excuse to express gratitude is a good one. Perhaps, with nothing more than the pure reverence to our mothers that occupies our mental space, everyday is a proverbial mother’s day.
Most roles in life are finite – responsibilities with an end point, something to be ultimately achieved. In this game of life, we are always on a quest to win – earn that top spot, to be tangibly rewarded in one way or another. One type of game, though, requires only the most compassionate, selfless individuals as there is no prize to be won nor a time when the role can be turned off. This infinite game offers only a journey, thus the player’s intention must be to never stop giving. A mom is always playing the infinite game – loving without expectation, unconditionally, instinctively. These women motivate us always, inspiring us to be better, to do better. This mother’s day, be more than amused by your mother’s charm. Recognize the journey she has committed to, all of the time and effort she has willingly dedicated to your wellbeing alone. Remind yourself of this infinite game and reward your mother with the admiration she deserves – with an infinite mother’s day.
A mom is always playing the infinite game – loving without expectation, unconditionally, instinctively